CA London: Teachers and Mentors


The heart of CA London is our teaching and tutoring staff. We have an in-class teacher-to-student ratio of 1:6 in most lessons and, in addition to our full-time teaching staff, we have a number of other specialists.

As you will understand, all CA London teachers are highly experienced and superbly qualified. Most significantly, all have made the professional decision to commit themselves to the teaching of students who face learning challenges.

Everyone involved in teaching has significant expertise and are well known to all our students. We understand that our students are not comfortable with teachers or others whom they do not know. Thus, we do not use learning support or teaching assistants.


Throughout CA London, our emphasis is on literacy and numeracy, with other elements of the broad curriculum brought into play as the student progresses.

Our students have Provision Maps that are constantly reviewed and revised. We also follow assiduously student needs as specified in Statements of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plans.

We use small group, subject-specific instruction, and our teaching methods involve multi-sensory approaches with attention given to visual, auditory, tactile and kinaesthetic elements.


All CA London students are assigned a Mentor, that is, a teacher who is responsible on a daily basis for the student’s overall work and progress, both academically and socially. Students belong to a Mentoring group—usually four or five students—and usually meet with their Mentors two or three times each day. As you will appreciate, there is a strong emphasis in all Mentoring groups to promote an ethos of care.

Proprietor:  The proprietor of Centre Academy East Anglia is Rohan Murphy.  Rohan is contactable by email at or 07793 563 281.

The staff list is attached here:  CAL Staff List Jan25